Competitive Club Options

Tryouts: September (for all levels), January (for CTC only)

Tryouts are required for all three competitive-level programs:

  • Regional Competitive Training Centre
  • Provincial-level teams
  • National-level teams

Your coaches grasp the necessity of catering to diverse athlete needs at the competitive levels. Some aim for National-Level roster spots, seeking intensive training, competition, and supplemental programs. Others simply enjoy training and playing volleyball and have no aspirations beyond this level.

Each level requires a progressively intense commitment of time, cost, and travel. Players participate in club-wide tryouts in September each year. Athletes are assessed during numerous court sessions, and are ultimately offered positions in the program that best fits their current level of fitness, volleyball skills, intensity, attitude. Basic stats are recorded, such as height and jump touch, speed and agility are tested and recorded. During tryouts, each athlete is also sized for uniform components – this is a VERY important step, as it speeds up the ordering process for those who make a team.

After the last of any age group’s various tryout sessions are complete, coaches categorize players for the best fit on any team or group. This includes assessing available positions in combination with skill level. Athletes will receive “Letters of Offer” stating which level our coaches feel is the best fit for the player and the teams we have available at that time. Levels range from National- and Provincial-level Competitive teams, to  Competitive Training Centre squads, to Recreational, or possibly Learn-to-Play. We have a program for every young athlete who is determined to play volleyball – if you are new to competitive and not sure if your skills will place you on a team, we encourage you to sign up for a Recreational or Learn-to-Play program as a safety net because those programs fill up quickly and well in advance and do not require tryouts. If, after tryouts, you receive and accept an offer for a competitive team or training centre, you simply have to cancel your recreational or learn-to-play  registration and the money will be transferred to the competitive program.

Maverick teams have been competing successfully across Ontario at the Club level since its inception in September 1985. Competitions depend on program level and can include local and regional tournaments, or OVA tournaments across the province and sometimes inter-provincially, or can include international and national competitions.

For better management of the growing competitive component, the Maverick Club has designated a training squad level plus two team levels. These are defined by the skill and aspirations of the athlete, combined with levels of time and travel commitment agreeable to the family. Practices and training follow Volleyball Canada and Ontario Volleyball Association guidelines, which we believe provide an improved training environment for players progressing to the elite calibre.

We sometimes we have more players than coaches, and are always ready to welcome new coaches to the Maverick “Ranch” as Apprentice, Assistant, or Head Coaches.

Join us and become part of a supportive community dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering growth in volleyball.

Regional-Level Training Centres
10-17 years
September and
January Tryouts
12 weeks
2x per week
Regional travel will be required

The Regional-level Competitive Training Centre (CTC) is divided into two programs, the first runs from October to December and the second runs from February until May. This is not a recreational program, all athletes must try out for a position in the CTC. Each centre is gender-specific.

  • Selected athletes receive offers based on assessment of their tryout performance. Just like provincial- and national-level players, regional-level athletes who accept Maverick offers are expected to attend all practices.
  • After offers are accepted, training groups are divided by age and gender.
  • Key skills are taught and integrated into drills and scrimmages to prepare for game play later on.
  • After 4 weeks of intense training, players are divided into squads based on team dynamics and positional requirements. Practices and drills progress to inter-squad games.
  • Due to popular request, two tournaments are now included – each a 2-hour drive or less (Gatineau, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa).
  • The Fall CTCs may graduate some players to competitive-level teams, but this is not guaranteed. The Winter CTC is strictly a training and competing program (no players graduate to competitive-level teams at the end).

For more info on costs, see “Fee Structures” in the Parent Handbook.

Regional-level Competitive Training Centre (CTC) Fall
10-17 years
September Tryouts
Intensive training & drills by age and gender
12 weeks
2x per week
Oct to Dec
Local and Regional travel only
Post-CTC selection for potential Provincial-level teams in December
11-17 years
Offers may be sent to selected CTC athletes in December to form new Provincial-level teams in January.
3-4 months
2x per week
Feb to April
Provincial travel required
Regional-level Competitive Training Centre (CTC) Winter
10-17 years
January Tryouts
Intensive training & drills by age and gender
12 weeks
2x per week
Feb to May
Local and Regional travel only

How it works

If you have received an offer for one of the Competitive Training Centres (CTCs) congratulations, you have been successful in showing the assessment team that you have potential, now it’s time to make a decision – do you accept the offer?

If you have accepted the offer, you will join an enthusiastic group of players just like you, who love volleyball. A team of coaches will teach you the necessary skills to reach the next level. It’s up to you now. Will you attack every drill with intensity? Will you listen to your coaches and adapt your movements according to their instruction? Will you be helpful and positive with your fellow athletes? Will you embrace all challenges with determination?

After all, this is not just an opportunity to learn skills. You have be given the chance to develop the self-confidence that is necessary if you are to excel in competitive volleyball. A lot will depend on how well you listen and then how much determination you put towards applying what your coaches are teaching.

Attend every session, absorb everything your coaches can teach you, and you may be rewarded by being offered one of the coveted positions on a provincial-level competitive team in January. If you are in the Winter CTC, you can now set your sights on making a provincial-level team from September tryouts. The ball is in your court, make the best of this time!!

Throughout the Fall CTC, the GMs and coaches will be evaluating each athlete and provide one of 4 offers at the end of the block (only a select few will be in the top two categories): 

  • Provincial team (families must be prepared for travel to Toronto and beyond)
  • Grandfathered to Winter CTC (no need to tryout, you are guaranteed a spot)
  • January Tryouts for the Feb-May CTC block
  • Recreational programs (beginning in January, no tryouts required)

After the Winter CTC, you can maintain and apply your skills at one of our many summer camps or weekly clinics. In August we have pre-tryout camps to help you get ready for what you’ll be faced with at September tryouts


  1. September: Tryouts for Competitive Training Centre (CTC)
  2. Offers go out and acceptances tracked (age and gender-specific, except 11-12U mixed)
  3. October: Players begin training sessions twice a week
  4. November: Players separate into squads and compete weekly (receive uniform packages)
  5. December: Final competitions (return of rental jerseys required)
  6. December: Offers may go out to some players to form a provincial-level team at their age group.
  7. January: Tryouts for Regional Training Centre (RTC)
  8. Offers go out and acceptances tracked (age and gender-specific, except 11-12U mixed)
  9. February: Players begin training sessions twice a week
  10. March: Players separate into squads and compete weekly (receive uniform packages)
  11. April: Final competitions (return of rental jerseys required)
  12. May: Year end event for CTC and RTC players.

What to expect

Your coaches understand that you are here to gain more skills and game-play tactics and that you probably have ambitions to play for your school, or maybe with our provincial- or national-level  teams in the future. They will be very supportive but will also challenge you to achieve your best at all times. This will include highlighting proper skill techniques along the way.

If you do not feel comfortable receiving constructive instruction from your coaches, or modifying your physical skills when your coaches see something that can be improved, then you might be better off in a recreational program rather than a training centre for a potential competitive team.

For more info on costs, see “Fee Structures” in the Parent Handbook.

Regular attendance is expected because your coaches and your teammates depend on you so that everyone can improve together.



Learning how to work as a team at a young age offers a range of benefits down the line.

By recognizing the skills and abilities of others and encouraging their teammates, youngsters will develop their understanding of what it means to be a team – simply by playing sports.

For some, becoming a team leader or team captain offers an avenue to develop leadership qualities in a sometimes stressful environment.

Positive encouragement from teammates, accepting new challenges, and accomplishing goals are all a part of playing sports, and these factors contribute to an overall improvement in one’s self-confidence.

For young athletes who truly love sport, taking part in a competitive environment can be a useful way to stay active, improve social skills, and learn the value of different roles contributing their overall team achievements.

Some general benefits of being part of a competitive team are:
Quality coaching
Focussed training
Increased responsibility
Opportunity for personal growth
Improved social skills
Physical development and well-being
Improved self-confidence & self-esteem
Improved problem-solving skills
Wider vision

In order to succeed, athletes will become proficient at time-management so your schoolwork doesn’t suffer. You will take responsibility for yourself, which also builds self-confidence. For your physical well-being, you will focus on optimal health requirements of proper nutrition, sleep and safe physical training.

Tryouts - September

Tryouts - January

Coaching Opportunities

Parent Handbook

Provincial-Level Competitive Teams
12-18 years
September Tryouts
Club Team experience
OVA Competitions
7 months
2x per week
Oct to April
Provincial travel required

All Maverick provincial-level club teams are managed under the fully-accredited not-for-profit division of the organization and teams manage their own finances.

The Maverick provincial-level competitive program is designed in consultation with leading Canadian volleyball experts and based on leading-edge athlete development research. Our dedicated coaches provide maximum physical and mental development for young athletes. In combination with team fortitude and cohesion, the program aims to maximize each athlete’s individual potential.

For the greatest success, the provincial-level program requires dedication and commitment from all components: the athletes, their families, the coaches, the trainers, and the organization.

For the athlete, being part of a Maverick Team means following a plan that encourages you perform to your maximum. It means constant pursuit of excellence – on and off the court. It means following all the right steps to proper time management while working towards achieving your goals. Being on a Provincial-level team means maintaining high level of commitment to yourself, your goals, your team and your coaches.

For more info on costs, see “Fee Structures” in the Parent Handbook.

How it works

The “Club” is a not-for-profit organization covering all components that stem from a player being successful at tryouts and then being offered (and accepting) a spot on either a national-level or provincial-level team, which then competes in OVA and other major tournaments across the province, sometimes inter-provincially, and sometimes internationally (depending on coach and parent aspirations).

  • As part of the not-for-profit division, each provincial-level team manages its own finances within set guidelines.
  • There are two mandatory practices each week.
  • Tournaments are usually on weekends, but travel on Fridays is fairly common. Provincial Championships may include a weekday.
  • There are a number of OVA-required tournaments, but additional competitions may be scheduled as supplemental. These should be added to the budget and approved by the parent group in the early days of setting a team in motion.
  • Jerseys and practice gear are ordered after the team roster has been selected from tryout participants.
  • Players are expected to attend all practices and tournaments except in extraordinary circumstances (which must be communicated directly to the coach in advance).
  • TeamSnap groups are established for team communication between coaches, parents and athletes.


The provincial-level team-experience provides a solid launch pad for motivated youth towards a college or university career. Self-confidence, physical strength, time management skills and social skills all improve in a positive competitive team environment. Maverick programs are developed to fully address all aspects of competition and training that lead to performing at their highest personal potential.


  1. September: Athletes are encouraged to attend all tryouts for their age group. This will allow evaluators to determine your fit for the highest level of competition based on your skills, experience, and potential for growth/development.
  2. At the conclusion of tryouts, offers go out and acceptances tracked (age and gender-specific)
  3. October:
    • Players begin on-court training sessions twice a week.
    • Coaches will present to the team their competition plan for the season along with a proposed team fee budget.
    • Parents volunteer for positions that will assist the coach and team in their season.
  4. November to April: Teams receive their uniform packages (Mavs Night) and begin to compete in Ontario Volleyball Association tournaments, culminating in the Ontario Championships in the spring. Some teams may also opt to compete in the Quebec circuit to supplement their competition schedule. Such decisions and extra costs require approval by the parent group of each team.

What to expect

Coaches will align the team’s vision to ensure a unified pursuit of common goals within the parameters of a provincial-level club team.

  • A majority of the OVA  tournaments will require travel to the Toronto area (occasionally as far away as Stratford, London or Niagara Falls), although sometimes we get lucky with tournaments held in the National Capital Region!
  • Practices are intense and developed by the coaches to improve skills, fill gaps, and be ready to compete against peers in other Clubs. Athletes are required to attend all practices and tournaments and must inform coaches if they will miss a practice for any reason.
  • Travel frequency, hotels, etc
  • Team building
  • Coaches expect players to be receptive to feedback with a positive attitude. Remember: “attitude determines altitude.”
  • There are many roles on a team and all of them are critical to overall team success. Play your role with determination, and your impact will be noticed.

Competition schedules

Tournament schedules will vary by team and are determined by the coaching staff of all provincial-level teams. Players can expect to compete in tournaments from October through April. Teams will follow the Ontario Volleyball Association (OVA) or Volleyball Québec tournament circuits, or a combination. All provincial-level teams will compete at the Provincial Championships organized by the OVA. With input from parents, some teams may elect to participate in other tournaments throughout the year (i.e. USA, Best of the West, Coupe de l’est, etc.) and this will impact team finances.

More information on OVA and Quebec tournaments can be found at the OVA competitions link:
OVA tournament schedule:
● OVA Provincials Information:
VQ tournament schedule:



Coaching Opportunities

Parent Handbook

National-Level Competitive Teams
13-18 years
September Tryouts
Club Team experience
OVA Competitions
8 months
3x per week
Oct to May
Provincial travel required
National travel required
International travel possible

Maverick teams have been competing successfully across Ontario since its inception in September 1985. The Maverick high performance, national-level program has a proud history of producing post-secondary athletes north and south of the border, professional players, and selections to provincial and national teams.

The national-level experience provides a solid launch pad for elite athletes as they pursue a post-secondary volleyball career. Our national-level high performance program is developed to fully address all aspects of competition and training that lead to an athlete performing at their highest potential.

All Maverick national-level teams are managed under the fully-accredited not-for-profit division of the organization and each team must nominate a parent-treasurer.

The program is designed in consultation with leading Canadian volleyball experts and based on leading-edge athlete development research, ensuring that our dedicated coaches can provide opportunities for maximum physical and mental development for young athletes. In combination with team fortitude and cohesion, the programs aim to maximize each athlete’s individual potential through the addition of supplemental practice and training methodologies (such as nutrition, mental and strength/agility training).

For the greatest success, this high performance program requires dedication and commitment from all components: the athletes, their families, the coaches, the trainers, and the organization.

National-level Teams follow the most intense requirements of performance, practice and competition time, travel commitments, and cost. For the greatest success, this top-level program requires dedication and commitment from all components: the athletes, their families, the coaches, the trainers, and the organization.

For the athlete, being part of a national-level team means following a plan that expects you perform to your maximum. It means constant pursuit of excellence – on and off the court. It means following all the right steps to achieve your goals, whether it be to play at the College, University, Olympic or Professional level. It means maintaining a maximum level of commitment to yourself, your goals, your team and your coaches.

For more info on costs, see “Fee Structures” in the Parent Handbook.

How it works

The “Club”, is a not-for-profit organization covering all components that stem from a player being successful at tryouts, being offered and accepting a spot on either a national-level or provincial-level team which competes in OVA and other major tournaments across the province, sometimes inter-provincially, and sometimes internationally (depending on coach and parent aspirations).

As per our not-for-profit guidelines, each team manages its own finances.

For better management of the growing competitive component, the Maverick Club has designated these two levels by the skill and aspirations combined with levels of time and travel commitment. Practices and training follow Volleyball Canada and Ontario Volleyball Association guidelines, which we believe provide an improved training environment for players of the elite calibre.


The national-level team-experience provides a solid launch pad towards a college or university volleyball career. Self-confidence, physical strength, time management skills and social skills all improve in a positive competitive team environment. Maverick high performance programs are developed to fully address all aspects of competition and training that lead to performing at the highest personal potential.


  1. September: Athletes are encouraged to attend all tryouts for their age group. This will allow evaluators to determine your fit for the highest level of competition based on your skills, experience, and potential for growth/development.
  2. At the conclusion of tryouts, offers go out and acceptances tracked (age and gender-specific)
  3. October:
    • Players begin on-court training sessions twice a week.
    • Coaches will present to the team their competition plan for the season along with a proposed team fee budget.
    • Parents volunteer for positions that will assist the coach and team in their season.
  4. November to April: Teams receive their uniform packages (Mavs Night) and begin to compete in Ontario Volleyball Association tournaments, culminating in the Ontario Championships in the spring. Some teams may also opt to compete in the Quebec circuit to supplement their competition schedule. Such decisions and extra costs require approval by the parent group of each team.

What to expect

Embark on a journey of volleyball excellence with us!

Our national-level program provides an intense but supportive environment where coaches and teammates are committed to helping each athlete reach their highest potential. Geared towards athletes aged 13 and older who are passionate about volleyball, we offer comprehensive training focused on developing physical strength, technical skills, and tactical knowledge necessary for future success.

Our experienced coaches provide an improved training environment for players of the elite calibre, but it’s up to each athlete to make the best use of their time.

Coaches will align the team’s vision to ensure a unified pursuit of common goals of a national-level club team.

Attendance at all team sessions is required to foster camaraderie and skill development. Off the court, we prioritize nutrition, leadership, community engagement, and mental well-being.

Experience the excitement of participating in 10-15 tournaments per season, including international tournaments and National Championships requiring travel and accommodations.

  • A majority of OVA tournaments will require travel to the Toronto area (occasionally as far away as Stratford, London or Niagara Falls), although sometimes we get lucky with tournaments held in the National Capital Region!
  • Practices are intense and developed by the coaches to improve skills, fill gaps, and be ready to compete against peers. Athletes are required to attend all practices and tournaments and must inform coaches if they must miss a practice for any reason.
  • Travel frequency, hotels, etc
  • Team building
  • Coaches expect players to be receptive to feedback with a positive attitude. Remember: “attitude determines altitude.”
  • There are many roles on a team and all of them are critical to overall team success. Play your role with determination, and your impact will be noticed

Competition Schedule

Tournament schedules will vary by team and are determined by the coaching staff of all national-level teams. Players can expect to compete in tournaments from October through May. Teams follow the Ontario Volleyball Association (OVA) tournament circuit. Most teams will compete at Provincial Championships and all teams are expected to compete in National Championships (wherever they are held). With input from parents, some teams may elect to participate in other tournaments throughout the year (i.e. USA, Best of the West, Coupe de l’est, etc.) and this will impact team finances. The majority of OVA tournaments will require travel to the Toronto area (occasionally as far away as Stratford, London or Niagara Falls), although sometimes we get lucky with tournaments held in the National Capital Region!

More information on the OVA and Quebec tournaments can be found at the OVA competitions link:
OVA tournament schedule:
● OVA Provincials Information:
VQ tournament schedule:



Coaching Opportunities

Parent Handbook