Gym Locations

Final locations for 2024-2025 tryouts yet to be determined. To complete all of the tryout requirements, every athlete will attend a number of different locations. These may include any combination of the following schools. Details for each age group will be posted here in the schedule when ready.

Details on practice times and locations will be available and include many other schools across the city.

Code Role Address Special Instructions
 CB Colonel By Secondary School 2381 Ogilvie Road, Gloucester Enter by the front door of the school.
 DOME École secondaire catholique Garneau 6588 Carriere St, Orleans Park at the front or the back.  Enter by the Dome door.
 FC École secondaire Franco-Cité 623 Smyth Rd, Ottawa East side parking lot, enter by back door.
 Gar École secondaire catholique Garneau 6588 Carriere St, Orleans Park at the back and enter by the door to the left.
 HC Hillcrest High School 1900 Dauphin Rd, Ottawa Not in use for tryouts currently.
 HM Henry Munro Middle School 2105 Kender Ave, Gloucester Enter by the front door of the school.
 L-R École secondaire publique Louis-Riel 1655 Bearbrook Rd, Gloucester Park in the front of the school.
Enter by the Blue Star Power Unit.
 MB Collège Mer Bleue 6401 Renaud Rd, Orleans Park in the parking lot, enter by back door.
 OD Omer Deslauriers High School 159 Chesterton Dr, Nepean
 StPat St. Patrick CHS 2525 Alta Vista Dr, Ottawa Enter by the front door of the school.
 SG Collège Samuel-Genest 704 Carsons Road, Ottawa Enter by loading dock door to the right of the school.