Advanced Development Coach (Certified)
Colonel By S.S. 1973-77
Cairine Wilson 1978
McMaster University 1979-1983
Ottawa Maverick Men’s A 1986-1993
Colonel By S.S. 1978, 1983-2013
Westdale S.S. (Hamilton) 1981
Maverick Volleyball Club 1985 – present
OVA HPC 2002-09
Team Ontario 2007 & 2008
Region 6 2000-2004, 2008,2009
Madawaska 1987-88, 2002- 2012
Carleton University 2003-2005
Royal Military College HC Women (Kingston) 2013/14
Hustle beats talent when talent doesn’t hustle.
Getting the best out of every athlete and every situation!
Using sport to teach the benefits of group work.
Empower athletes to understand what it takes to reach their goal and perform at their best.
Build life-long active individuals.
Maverick President